ALBION (White Co. community) ------------------- (al'-bee-on)
ALY (Yell Co. community) ----------------------- (a'-lee)
BEEBE (White Co. town) ------------------------- (bee'-bee)
CARLISLE (city)--------------------------------- (car'-lyle)
CASA (Perry Co. community)---------------------- (kay'-suh)
CHICKALAH (Yell Co. community/mountain) -------- (shuh-key'-luh)
CHICOT (county in SE, state park, community) --- (shee'-ko)
CLEBURNE (county in N) ------------------------- Old timers and many natives
say it (clay'-burn) which I consider correct as history effectively backs
this up. Most say it (clee'-burn) today. (I lived there 4 years.)
DENNARD (Van Buren Co. community)--------------- (den-nard')
DESHA (county in SE and town near Batesville) -- (dee-shay')
DIAZ (city) ------------------------------------ (dye'-as)
DUMAS (city) ----------------------------------- (doo'-muss)
EL DORADO (city) ------------------------------- (el doe-ray'-doe)
ENOLA (community) ------------------------------ (e-nohl'-uh)
FOUKE (city in Miller Co.) --------------------- said as "foul" with a strong "k" at the end in a single syllable.
GEPP (community in Fulton Co.) ----------------- said as "Jeep", just like the multipurpose utility vehicle. Likely origin? A surname.
GOSNELL (community in Mississippi County) ------ (goss'-nul)
GUION (community in Izard Co.) ----------------- (guy'-un)
HELENA (city in Phillips County) --------------- (hell'-en-uh)
HUMNOKE (town in Lonoke County) ---------------- (hum'-uh-noke) yes, three syllables (make the second one short!)
HUMPHREY (town in Jefferson/Arkansas Counties) - (ump'-free) The "H" is silent
KANIS (Little Rock road westward to Paron) ----- (kay'-nis)
LAFAYETTE (county) ----------------------------- (luh-faye'-et)
LAVACA (Sebastian County city) ----------------- (luh-vaa'-kuh) say second syllable with "a" as in apple, not "ah" or natural "a".
LEVY (Pulaski Co. community) ------------------- (lee'-vee)
LONOKE (County and city) ----------------------- (low'-noke)
McGEHEE (city) --------------------------------- (muh-ghee') two syllables, NOT muh-gee'-hee.
MONTICELLO (city) ------------------------------ (mont-uh-sell'-o)
NEWNATA (community in Stone Co.) --------------- (noo-nay'-tuh)
NEVADA (county) -------------------------------- (nuh-vay'-duh)
OPPELO (Conway county community) --------------- (ah'-puh-loh)
OUACHITA (county, river, and mountain range) --- (wash'-uh-tah)
OZARK (city and mountain range) ---------------- (o'-zark)
RODNEY PARHAM (Little Rock major throughfare) -- say as Rodney (Pear'-um)
PARAGOULD (city in Greene County) -------------- Some of the locals drop the final letter! It could be said as either Paragould or Paragouhl.
PETIT JEAN (mountain/state park) --------------- French for "Little John". Say as "Petty Jean" or (pet-tih gene), never with the final "t" emphasized.
SALADO (community near Batesville) ------------- (sal'-uh-dough)
SALINE (county and river) ---------------------- (suh-lean')
SEARCY (county in N and city in White Co.) ----- (sir'-see)
SILOAM SPRINGS (city in western Benton Co.) ---- (sy'-loam springs) Said like a silo on a farm.
SOLGOHACHIA (Conway county community) ---------- (soul-go-hatch'-ee)
WABBASEKA (Jefferson county community) --------- (wah-bah-see'-kuh)